Improve your Self-Image using 21 days of mirror work

Do you have low self-esteem? Are you suffering from a negative self-image?

Do you face difficulties in loving yourself?

If your answer is yes, then I have written this article for you only.

In this article, I am going to share with you a very powerful technique to communicate directly with your inner-self.

In this content, first you will know what affirmation is and what is mirror work?

Then I will show you my own example of how I did mirror work which helped me to change the way I think about myself just within a day. Yes, to be honest, I am telling you that the day I started practicing the mirror work, I have started feeling and thinking differently about myself.

If you want to develop a positive self-image as well as a higher self-esteem, if you want to increase self-love… then stick with me, here I will be guiding you step by step how to do mirror work effectively so you can get the result very fast.

Mirror work has long been self-development guide Louise Hay’s signature method for developing a very deeper relationship with yourself and others.

Using this mirror work you will be able to connect with the inner child within you who has been neglected for very long. 

Let’s get started.

Let’s first know, what are Affirmations?

Affirmations are the positive statement that you verbally say out loud that influence the subconscious mind. So in turn, they influence our thinking patterns, habits, behavior, and environment.

They’re about qualities and beliefs people want to embody.

What is Mirror Work?

Mirror Work involves talking to yourself in the mirror. Looking into your eyes and making positive statements about yourself can strengthen the impact of affirmations.

Mirror reflects back to us the true feelings we have about ourselves.

If you are not sure, think about how you use mirror work already.

People speak to themselves in autopilot when they look in the mirror. Mostly, they do so to tell themselves they’re not good enough; the opposite of a positive affirmation. No doubt, you silently, if not out loud, talk to your reflection at times.

If you do not like your appearance, you probably use negative or disparaging words to reinforce the idea. You either criticize yourself or make fun of yourself and gradually it becomes a habit.

Negative thoughts embed themselves in your mind when you repeat them often.

The same is true if you look at yourself while saying a positive statement.

Let’s learn the Mirror Technique by Joining Affirmations step by step below.

Grab a mirror. I prefer a small one which is easy to handle and can do the practice with it anytime and anywhere.

Make sure you are alone so that you won’t be disturbed by others.

 Now, just take a look at what you see in the mirror without judgment.

Take three deep breaths.

Give a smile to you.

Get closer to the mirror so you can look straight into eyes.

Look into your eyes and say by your name, for example here I am sharing what I say when I do mirror work.

Hey Kakali, How are you?

I want to let you know that I love you, and I really love you so much Kakali!

You are incredible and it is so great to see you.

It doesn’t matter what happened to you and how many mistakes you have made in the past, I accept you completely. And I accept you as you are!

You are a beautiful soul. I am happy with you. 🙂

I wish you a very beautiful and blessed day!

That’s all! 🙂 But don’t just say it, mean it what you say, and feel it.

Do this exercise for 21 days, and multiple times a day whenever you pass a mirror until you finally believe it. 

You can master this powerful practice within 21 days if you do it consistently.

And see how miraculous you have developed a positive transformation and self-care within you.

You can choose your own affirmations, but make sure you select simple, positive, and effective words. And also make sure that the statement is in the present tense.

I believe that the technique I have shared with you will change your self-image from negative to positive, it will improve your self-esteem, and you will start loving yourself more.

Let me know if you have any quarries. I would love to know from you in the comment box below.

One thought on “Improve your Self-Image using 21 days of mirror work”

  1. Self love is what we all needed. This is great tool and affirmations to practice self love. Thank you for sharing!

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