Nothing changes in your life until you change

Change always starts with you. If you don’t want to change yourself but want to change the world and the people around you, then I would say forget about change.

Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a hostile worldSame world.” – Wayne Dyer

If you change, then you would see the world around you has changed. The people around you have changed. You will start attracting different circumstances and different people into your life. Or you may experience that the same people started behaving differently. This is how it works. This was something I had experienced many times. I was able to change people’s behaviour toward me just by changing my thoughts and beliefs. Just by changing my inner concept about them.

Everything depends on you. Your health, your relationship, your finances, or any aspect of your life depends entirely on you. If you change, they will change. If you stay the same, they will also stay the same. If you change fast, they will change fast; if you change slowly, they will also change slowly. I would say they are your best followers in the world. They follow you faithfully. They never stop following you. Your Facebook and Instagram followers may stop following you one day.  : D

But your life aspects will never stop following you. They will continue to follow you in your whole life. Where will you find such authentic and loyal followers?

I want to share with you one example of my niece. My niece was studying in 12th class. She always used to complain about her school friends. She used to say that her school friends were very negative. They always backbite and gossip. My niece was unhappy because of this; she wanted a different friend circle, like, positive, ambitious, and encouraging. It was her desire.

One day she called me, and she was very happy. I asked her, “It seems you are very happy today; what happened?” And she replied, “I am very happy because I got selected in one entrance exam; now I will have admission in a new institute.”

I said, “Wow!” Congratulations! You got selected; that’s the reason you are so happy? She said no, this is not the reason. I asked, “Then what is the reason?” She replied, “I am happy because I will go to a new place. I will get a different friend circle there. I will go away from the school friend circle.”

Then I said to her, “Listen to me, no matter how many places you change, no matter how many friend circles you change, if you don’t change, you will keep attracting the same kind of friends with different faces.

After some days, she went to the new place and joined her new institute. She got a new friend circle there, and she was very happy with that friend circle.

But after three months, she called me and said that she was not happy in that new friend circle. I asked the reason; she replied that her new friend circle is the same as her old school friends circle.

You see, nothing changes in our lives if we don’t change ourselves.

You will keep attracting the same people with the same behaviour in your life until you change. 

If you change, the circumstances will be changed for you, and the people will be changed for you. Or you will get to see that the same people started behaving differently. They no longer demonstrate the same behaviour toward you as they used to do before. Because you are no longer the same person. You have changed; your energy has changed.