People try hard to match horoscopes (specially in India) for marriage. I saw many married couples get divorced even after matching horoscopes. I saw many married couples living unhappily together even after matching their horoscopes. Then what is the point of matching horoscopes while choosing a life partner? I don’t understand.
For marriage, people run after physical appearance. They try to match their height, their caste, degree, job title, and all other external identity or materialistic things.
But they forget to match the most important part, which actually may help them to live happily together.
They forget to match their thoughts and beliefs; dreams and desires; passions and interests; perceptions and values; their habits; and views about life and relationships.
We may need inspiration to start something. But, to take it to the next level, we need consistency.
Small, consistent actions can lead to remarkable results over time. It is consistency that builds momentum, and momentum is like a rhythm; once you start, it gets easier to keep going.
“Consistency is what transforms the average into excellence.”
Consistency helps you to build identity:
A person becomes a writer because he is consistent in writing.
A person becomes an athlete because he is consistent in running.
A person becomes a bodybuilder because he is consistent in bodybuilding.
A person is healthy because he/she is consistent with making healthy choices.
Consistency builds skills: repetition is key to becoming an expert in any skill.
In relationships, consistency builds trust and loyalty. Consistent behaviour shows what to expect from you.
Just as our physical universe has laws that govern it, like the law of thermodynamics, the law of gravity, etc., the spiritual universe also has laws that govern it. And those laws may or may not always match the laws of the physical universe. However, they will always take their place.
Studying and understanding these spiritual laws will help us to understand how our life works. There are 17 universal laws mentioned below that you can study, understand, and apply to your day-to-day life to make your life better and more fulfilled.
1. Law of Divine Oneness
2. Law of Attraction
3. Law of Vibration
4. Law of Assumption
5. Law of Correspondence
6. Law of Inspired Action
7. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
8. Law of Cause and Effect
9. Law of Compensation
10. Law of Relativity
11. Law of Polarity
12. Law of Rhythm
13. Law of Gender
14. Law of Integrity
15. Law of Surrender
16. Law of Compassion
17. Law of Humility
There you have it: the 17 universal laws. Study them, understand them and apply them into your life.
Over the course of our upcoming blog posts, I hope to shed light on what I see as the laws of the spiritual universe.
Your government-created law changes with time. They can create it and they can change it any time based on their (government and public) own interests.
But universal laws never change. Everything in the universe is governed by universal laws.
Have you ever heard that the Law of Gravity has changed for certain periods of time, or for certain people? I am very sure that your answer will be ‘No.’ Why is it?… because it’s a universal law that never changes. Universe law is the same for all, and everything in the universe is governed by universal laws.
Sometimes I make the same mistake with the expectation of receiving a different result.
But every time I make the same mistake, I receive the same result. I don’t receive a different (expectation-based) result.
Making the same mistake over and over again and expecting different results is like combining one atom of oxygen (O) and one atom of hydrogen (H) and expecting to receive H2O (a water molecule).
No matter how hard you try……, no matter how many times you try. Every time you combine 1 atom O and 1 atom H, you will receive OH, not H2O, my dear!
Some LOA (law of attraction) teachers say that you can’t manifest without taking action just by thinking. But they don’t know that thinking is also an action.
Here is one of my life experiences.
My room was so messy at that time. I was feeling very uncomfortable seeing this messy room. I wanted to have my room clean and organised. But doing it by myself was very difficult because my room was full of staff. But many times I was just thinking to have a clean and organised room. After some days, my sister and my aunty (my father’s sister) visited me. And next day they both cleaned my entire room and organised it very beautifully.
I did nothing instead of just thinking to have a clean and organised room.
Nothing is permanent. Everything is changing. Change is essential.
If you stay happy all the time. If you never feel sadness, then you will never be able to know what happiness feels like. You will never enjoy being happy.
It is sadness that enhances the importance of happiness. It is the darkness that enhances the beauty of light.
Prioritizing yourself means taking better care of your own emotions and feelings. It means you are putting your feelings first, your emotions first, and your likes and dislikes first.
When you don’t put yourself first, it means you don’t care about your own feelings and emotions; you are taking care of others feelings and emotions instead of yours. You are doing things for others even if you are not feeling good to do that.
Taking care of others is not a bad thing; it’s a good thing, but you should make sure that you are not sacrificing your own well-being while doing this.
Some people may say prioritizing yourself is a selfish act. No, it’s not! I would say that prioritizing yourself is a great thing you can do for yourself.
You are mentally, emotionally, and physically well when you are looking after your own needs and taking care of your likes, dislikes, feelings, and emotions.
Prioritzing others instead of yourself is like, you cooked food at your home, and instead of giving your own children, you took all the food and went to your neighbour’s house, and you gave all the food to your neighbour’s children. Now, can you imagine how ignorant your child will feel? This is what you do to yourself (or your inner child) when you don’t put yourself in the priority.
Previously, I didn’t have that realization about self-love. I studied about self-love. I practiced self-love in so many different ways, like the mirror technique, affirmation, and other things like that. I also posted content about self-love on my website. But to be honest, I have received the great realization about self-love now, in the last month. I never felt as much love for myself as I feel now.
This is my own experience-based realization. This is what self-love means for me now:
• When you are present, it means you are loving yourself.
• When you bring your attention from the outside to the inside of your body, you are loving yourself.
• When you accept your emotions and take care of your emotions, you are loving yourself.
• When you observe your breathing, your body and body sensations, you are loving yourself.
• When you focus yourself, it means you are loving yourself.
Like attracts like; it’s a universal law. In the universe, everything is energy; nothing is solid. It may appear to be solid, but if you break that solid form and look at it under a microscope, you will find the energy inside. So, everything is energy. You are energy; I am energy; the body you have is energy; the book you read, the food, water, sun, your thoughts, your feelings—all are energy.
In the law of attraction, ‘like attract like’ states that we attract similar energies into our lives. Or, in other words, the energy we put out is the energy that returns to us. The energy can be in the form of people, circumstances, objects, events, or anything else.
For example, if you give out positive energy, you will attract positive energy-related circumstances, people, or events. And when you give negative energy, you will attract negative energy-related circumstances or people. That’s how it works.
Here are some examples to demonstrate how ‘like attracts like’ works: Healthy people attract healthy people. Unhealthy people attract other unhealthy people. Happy people attract happy people and happy circumstances. Sad people attract sad people and circumstances. Kind people attract kindness. Angry people attract circumstances that make them angrier. When you are fearful, you attract more circumstances that make you more fearful. Grateful people attract more things to be grateful for. Peaceful people attract peaceful circumstances, people, and events. Wealthy people attract more wealth.
When I say wealthy people attract more wealth, I don’t mean that you have to become wealthy in your outside reality in order to attract more wealth into your life. No, it is not like that. You don’t have to become wealthy in your outside reality. You need to become wealthy inside—in your heart, in your mind, energetically, in your thoughts, in your feelings. When you can think and feel inside that you are wealthy, that means you are now wealthy energetically, and now you are ready to attract wealth into your life physically. And now you are also ready to attract wealthy people into your life. Can you see how beautifully it works?
You may also notice that when you think of a happy thought, more related thoughts come into your mind one after another. Similarly, the opposite thing also happens: when you think of a thought that makes you sad, more thoughts linked with that sad thought will arrive in your mind. That’s why it is important to direct your thoughts from sad ones to happy ones. Because ‘like attracts like’.
I hope this content gave you clarity about how the universal law “like attracts like” works. I love you all. Thank you for being here. I am getting ready to meet you in the next post. Have fun!
Following too many teachers on a particular subject (it can be your personal development, life transformation, business, or any other particular subject) can actually slow your progress. You may get confused trying to decide whose teaching should apply. Even if you apply their teaching with a confused mind, you will not get the result you actually want. First, you must find a teacher whom you admire and believe in, and then follow his guidance or teaching.
When I was following a lot of teachers, my life was not changing. I was confused; I felt like I was in the middle of the ocean. But when I started following one teacher with whom my heart resonated and started applying her teaching in my life, then I could see a dramatic change in my life.
Similar things happened in my personal business. When I used to follow and learn from so many business teachers, I was going nowhere; it seemed like I was stuck in the same place or that I was just losing in my business. But, when I started to follow only one teacher, whom I admire and my heart says yes to, then I saw an impressive growth in my business.
𝙇𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩: Don’t make yourself confused by following too many teachers. Choose one teacher with whom your heart resonates, then apply his or her teaching. Once you do that, you’ll see how amazing changes start to happen.
Our brain is by default conditioned to stay unhappy. But we can re-program it. We can end our suffering by using some simple mind hacks.
Here I have shared 5 simple but very effective ways to end your suffering very quickly, so let’s begin:
1. Start seeing your life from the spiritual perspective
Here I am going to use our body as an example because we look at it every single day in the mirror. So, let’s say in the morning you wake up, you look in the mirror and you only see in the physical perspective to your body. You may think to yourself, I wish I was fitter, I wish I would have more muscles, why my face breaking out, Why do I look this way, why am I ugly, and so on. There are so many things attached to it, and the reason why you feel that way is because you are only looking at the physical part of your body. And you are also comparing yourself to others.
A lot of competition is going on in your mind. And the more you look at it from a place of competition; you are always going to find someone better than you. And you are always going to feel less than or not enough.
Now, if you start looking at your body from the spiritual perspective, at the same time, if you start to see yourself as a whole and then you look at your body; you will find the invisible power within, you will get to know that you are a soul. You will get to feel the energy you bring into this world, you will see the memories you have built with the people in your life, and you will feel the connection of love within you.
That is all those spiritual aspects. And that you cannot compare with anybody, because you are so incredibly unique. Your spiritual experience is completely different from everybody else.
So, when you look at things from a holistic perspective, your suffering will disappear from your life.
“You are not a body with a soul, but a soul with a body. When the body dies the soul returns to the source.”
-Wayne W Dyer
2. Gratitude
Every day after waking up in the morning, start practicing gratitude. Write down 5 things you are grateful for. The benefits of gratitude are uncountable. It increases feelings of happiness and a positive mood. It improves your emotional health, reduces stress and suffering.
Feel gratitude for the body you have, for the perfect functioning of your body organs, for the breath you are taking, for the food you are eating, for the house you are living in. You can feel gratitude for everything. The more you will be grateful for the things you already have the more you will find the things to be grateful for.
Feel gratitude for the fact that you are a soul. You feel gratitude for the energy you bring into the world. Feel gratitude for the joy that you feel when you connect to nature.
All of that, when you see yourself beyond the physical form and have gratitude for it, you are going to notice that you are suffering a lot less in your day-to-day life.
3. Meditation
You can practice meditation to end suffering. Meditation has numerous benefits for your mental health as well as to end suffering. When you meditate daily, it promotes your emotional health, enhances self-awareness, and improves peace of mind and sleep.
The easiest way to meditate is simply to focus on your breathing. Just get aware while you are breathing in and breathing out. Start practicing meditation for 1 minute in the starting and then gradually you can increase to 15 minutes, and this way you can make it a daily habit.
4. Shift Your Expectation into Appreciation
Here is another secret to ending your suffering. Shift your expectations for appreciation and your whole life will be changed at the moment. The minute you appreciate something you are suffering, your suffering is gone. It’s just your expectations that are stressing you out. But sometimes not meeting your expectations can cause you to come up with a new way to do something better than what you did before. Focus on something you appreciate, something you love, or something you grateful for.
Your whole life will change when you able to shift any expectations to appreciation. It’s a little bit about gratitude. It’s shifting the way you focus.
So instead of expecting someone to act in a certain way, say to yourself that today I am going to appreciate what she is without having any expectations. Rather than the way I expect him/her to behave or act in a certain way, I am just going to appreciate whatever it is, and whatever state he/she is in, whatever his/her life path is.
Remember, where focus goes energy flows, and the result shows. Whatever you focus on expands. If you focus on what someone is doing wrong, that’s going to grow and expands in your mind and very soon or quickly without even your realization, you will start noticing all the things that they are doing wrong rather than all the things that they are doing right.
In the same way, if you focus on the good side of someone you will find more good about that person. If you can feel grateful for every little thing then you will notice more good and bigger things are coming into your life which you can be grateful for. It happens because whatever you focus on expands. If you focus on positivity or the good side, then positivity and the good side will expand. Similarly, if you focus on the negative side then negativity will expand.
If you are suffering because of some challenges then remember, challenges are always important for you to grow. What you are learning from these particular challenges or particular situations is important. Because if you can learn something from those challenges, you are growing. And if you are growing, it will make you very happy.
Or even if you just take 5 minutes each and every single day to focus on the positive side or the good side that coming from a particular situation, you will notice a dramatic change in your life.
5. Surround Yourself with Wisdom People
And the last way to end suffering for you is to surround yourself with wisdom teachers. There are so many teachers out there you can find them on YouTube, books, or social media. Start exploring their teaching. The more you start to surround yourself with conscious people, and wisdom teachers, the more you will grow. And the more you do this it will increase your vibration and the less you will suffer. And the less you suffer, the less suffering you will bring into this world.
Regret is always bad for your emotional, mental, and physical health. Regret never do good but it worsens your present life.
You may regret because of your past mistakes or past guilt. Remember, every time you regret, you are wasting your time and energy one more time. When you regret you are recalling your past mistake, you are re-imaging your past guilt. As a result, you are bringing more regret into your life. Every time you regret it, you waste your time more and more.
Every moment is a new moment. You are every new moment born again. You can choose who you want to be right now, right at this moment.
Past has gone; it has nothing to do with your present life. The only thing that important is what you learned from the past mistakes. Keep that lessons with you and forget about the mistake. This lessons will be beneficial for your present and future life.
See, we all make mistakes in life. Without making mistakes, it is impossible to grow in life. But make sure that you are not making the same mistake over and over again. If you are making the same mistake again and again then it means you are not learning from your mistake.
Keep reminding yourself that past regret can never help you but it definitely worsens your life and peace of mind. Whenever you get stuck in the past regret then immediately tell yourself that “every moment is a new moment. It doesn’t matter what I did in the past, who I used to be in the past, I can change it every moment, I can choose who I want to be now. I can choose to do the good thing now and these are all that matter to me”.
Note: All unnecessary things that cause your unhappiness must be forgettable.
Setting a goal is important, but the proper way of goal setting can be the game-changer.
Today I will be sharing with you a powerful tool and a step-by-step process of how you can set your goal properly, and how you can track your goal so that you can get to know whether you are getting closure to your goal or you just going away from it.
This is the tool we all have access to every single day and yet most people never use it. It’s something that can guide your entire day, an entire week, the entire month, and even your entire year.
But we all ignore it even we all forget it. And yes, it is your calendar. It is setting a goal on the calendar; it is setting your monthly goals.
In this post, I will be telling you all about setting monthly goals. So be with me for a while.
We all get 12 months in each year; I call it 12 gifts to grow in a year.
But, you know, most people don’t use their 12 months that they are given each year to improve, to grow, and to live a better quality life.
They are using their calendar just to record simple tasks or to memorize holidays, but they are not using it for their goal, for their personal development, self-improvement, skill development, or something like that. As a result, it becomes a waste of their 12 gifted months, a waste of their calendar.
I also used to do the same before. But one day when I got to know about the importance of a calendar from one of my mentors, I realized how powerful tool I was missing.
On that day I took immediate action. I grab a pen and paper, set my current month’s goal, and started working on that.
At the end, when I reviewed the month, I noticed that I couldn’t achieve all of those goals I listed for that current month.
But, I also want to let you know that although I couldn’t achieve all of them, but I achieved 20% from the list. And it was a big achievement for me, because, 20% achievement is far better than no achievement.
I didn’t focus on how many goals I couldn’t achieve; rather I focused onhow many goals I achieved. It’s like seeing a glass as half full instead of half empty.
I felt so happy and excited for my little achievement that I celebrated.
More importantly, I want to let you know that in addition to 20% achievement, I have got control over that month. I found myself improving which didn’t happen before.
In the previous when I didn’t know about setting monthly goals, it seemed like the months were running so fast that I didn’t have any control over it, instead, months were controlling me.
But now I can say confidently that I have total control over my 12 months.
Monthly goals even changed the way I see a calendar. Before I used to see a calendar as a list of the days, weeks, and months of a particular year that is marking the beginning and end of a year.
But now I see it as a challenge, as a tool of my personal growth.
If you can learn how to control your month, you will be able to control your year. The quality of living my life is improving amazingly through monthly goals. I believe it can also improve yours if you start applying it. So let’s know.
How you can set your monthly goals?
To set monthly goals I am going to share with you my technique which is very simple and very effective as well.
To start, I will ask you to take a pen and paper. Draw a calendar of the current month or upcoming month as shown in the picture below. Or you can just print it out whatever is convenient for you.
Now whatever your goal might be, you simply write down your goal statement near the calendar.
Here is Example, How I set my monthly goals
For Goal statement:
In the first point, write down your outcome in the present tense. What “end-results” you want to achieve write it down on the paper.
Then in the second point, write down the reason why you want to achieve that goal.
In the third point, write down what action you require to take on a daily basis in order to achieve that goal.
Your one-month goal setting is done.
How can you Track your Goals?
After setting the goal you need to take action. Actions produce results and no action produces no results.
You can track your goal based on the action you take. And you can measure the progress based on how often you take action.
Now how can you track your goal? Well, to track your goal, all you have to do is after completing every task (daily step) toward the goal, start crossing off the dates. You can also use checkmarks or fill your calendar dates with dots.
No matter what design you choose, the key point is your calendar tracker provides immediate evidence that you completed your daily steps toward your goal. It’s a signal or a record that you are making progress.
If you skip a day then don’t mark on that date. It’s ok to skip a day, don’t feel upset. Forgive yourself and start it again in the next day.
Those checkmarks will show you how many days you accomplish your tasks and how many days you didn’t. It will help you to track whether you are going toward your goals or just getting away from your goal.
Benefits of Tracking:
It gives you immediate satisfaction
It records your progress at the moment.
It reminds you to act
It motivates you to continue
Why should you keep one goal for a month?
It will be better if you focus on one goal for a month. Make sure that you do not keep more than three goals in a month. Because, too many goals can distract you, and as a result, it may slow down your progress.
If you keep one goal at a time you will see yourself growing faster, because you are giving all your energy and focus to one particular area.
What will you do if you have a big goal?
If you have a big goal then break it down into small chunks. Breaking down Your Goals into actionable steps will make it easy for you to achieve your goal.
If the goal doesn’t finish in one month, then after giving one-month full focus and taking action, continue it in the second month too.
In the second month, you can take another new goal besides that previous goal as your previous goal already becomes your habit. And the new goal will be a fresh start.
In this way, you can adopt a new goal every month.
How to Break Down Big Goals?
Do you have a big goal? That’s excellent! Break it down into small goals. To break the goal you can ask yourself the following questions:
If you have 10 years goal then ask yourself what action you have to take every year to achieve your 10 years goal? By asking this question you will get your yearly goals.
To breakyearly goals, ask yourself what action you need to take every month to achieve your one-year goal? You will get your monthly goals.
To breakthe monthly goal, ask yourself what action you need to take every week to achieve your one-month goal? Now you will have your weekly goals.
And to break the weekly goal you can ask yourself what you need to do every day to achieve that goal within a week? By asking that question you will get your daily goals.
The more you break your goal into smaller parts the easier it will be for you to take action.
What are some ideas for goals?
Here I have shared some monthly goal ideas. These are just for example purposes.
January Goal Idea
Make a habit of writing gratitude in the morning for 30 days.
February Goal Ideas
Breathing exercise in the morning.
Make a habit of sleeping and waking up at the same time every day.
March Goal Ideas
To become more healthy and vibrant, work out thrice a week
April Goal Idea
To improve communication skill, practice to be a good Listener in this month
May Goal Idea
Learn a new skill this month.
June Goal Ideas
To improve the relationship, read a book that betters your relationship.
Make your bed every morning.
July Goal Idea
To become financially free, learn investing, and start a little bit of investment.
August Goal Idea
To nourish your mind, read one positive mindset book.
September Goal Ideas
Go on a vacation for a mental break.
Write a journal for 30 days
October Goal Idea
Eat your food mindfully and chew your food 21 times. Eating mindfully and chewing your food 21 times will help you improve your concentration and digestive system.
November Goal Idea
To feel peaceful clean your room and keep it organized.
December Goal Ideas
Write encouraging notes to 3 friends.
Feed 3 hungry people
Final Words
Every month you must have a goal. Every 30 days you must have a personal challenge to make yourself a better human.
If you follow the above process, nothing can stop you getting huge progress in whatever area you choose to grow.
This process changes my life. And definitely, it can change yours too if you apply it.
Then why are you waiting for? Go and get a pen and paper. Write down what are your goals for the month? And start applying it from today.
Don’t wait for tomorrow.
Enjoy your growth. Share your results in the comment box below. Thank you for being here for a while!
The mind is a great creator. It can create anything you want. If you guide it properly, it can make your life beautiful. The mind is also like a magnet, whatever we desire it can manifest. But most people fail to manifest their dreams and desires just because of a lack of clarity and lack of proper methods. Scripting to manifest is the most powerful technique you can use to manifest your dreams. It helps you to get more clarity and more detail about what you want.
If you are new to this scripting method then this article is for you. This article will help you to understand the whole process in a simple way. So let’s begin.
In the Law of Attraction, scripting is the most powerful technique that involves writing in detail about your dream that you want to manifest.
It’s like writing about your future which you want to experience in reality. Write down as much detail as you can. Get clearer about what you want, because clarity is the key to manifestation.
Are you still confused about scripting? 🙁
Okay! I am gonna give you an example that will help you to understand it easily. 🙂
Have you ever watched a movie?
Do you know, to produce a movie there must be a Script writer who writes the whole story of the movie?
The Scriptwriter writes all the details story of the movie. After that, the movie is produced based on this written story which is called a script.
In this same way, your life is like a movie. And you are the Scriptwriter of your own life movie.
In the movie, there will be a different Producer, Scriptwriter, Director, and Editor. But in your ‘life movie’, you are everything – you are the Director, Scriptwriter, Producer, and Editor of your own life.
You can write anything you want, and believe that whatever you write you will get.
If you don’t like something you have written, then edit it or rewrite it. It’s completely up to you because you are the Director, Writer, and Editor of your life as I mentioned before.
In simple words, scripting means writing your future story the way as if your future reality is happening right now.
Now I hope that you get it. So, let’s go to the next topic.
What tools you required
For scripting, you only need a pen and a journal or a diary.
Scripting manifestation methods
Here are the 4 methods I have shared. You can follow them step by step below:
First Method: Find a peaceful place or find a place where you do not get disturbed. Sit in comfortable.
Second Method: Take three deep inhale and slow exhale.
Third Method: Before starting your scripting I want you to do the most important thing ‘feel gratitude’. Yes! Being in the Gratitude state will enhance your scripting process. To feel the Gratitude:
Think of 3 past things you are grateful for. Feel the gratitude in your heart.
Think of 3 things you are presently happy about and
Be grateful in advance for 3 things you love to have in the future.
There is so much in the Universe to be grateful for. You can be grateful for the life you have, for the breath you take, for the house you are living in, for the food you are eating, and many more.
Fourth Method: Now grab your pen and paper. Start scripting. Write down the story of your future. What kind of future would you love to experience? How you want your life to be? Write down those in detail. You can write your every intention on the paper.
Make sure that you are writing them in the present tense. For example, if you want to have a beautiful house. You can write that I am so happy and grateful now that I live in my beautiful dream house.
Or you also can use the present continuous tense. For example, I am so happy and grateful now that I am living in my beautiful house. Write whatever you are comfortable with. But never use future tense like ‘I will’ and also don’t use ‘I want’, instead use ‘I am’ or ‘I have’.
Put a little bit of story. If I have the intention of having a date with Jason, then I will write like that, I am feeling so happy now that I am having a wonderful date with Jason. We are having a great time enjoying a delicious dinner in each other’s company.
See I put a little bit of story. And I write them down in the present tense as if I am experiencing it right now.
Put a little bit of feeling like this; we are having a lot of fun, a lot of jokes. We couldn’t stop laughing because of our funny jokes.
A little bit of color like this, the light of beautiful sunset fall on our face. He is telling me to look at the light of the beautiful sunset that makes our surroundings more beautiful. We are sharing our thoughts and feelings in this beautiful sunset.
You can use all of your 5 senses – taste, smell, touch, and all in your story. The more senses you put the better it will be.
The rules you must follow while scripting
I am going to share with you the 4rules you must follow when you are scripting.
Use Present Tense: As I mentioned before when you are scripting make sure that you are writing in the present tense. If you want to manifest your dream car then don’t write that I want to have this car. Instead, write that I am so happy and grateful now that I am driving my new dream car.
Be Specific: Get more specific and more clear about what you want. If your dream is to buy that house then don’t just write that I live in a beautiful house.
Instead, write that I am so happy and grateful now that I live in the 900 square feet house with 3 bedrooms, 1 drawing-room, and 1 kitchen room. The house is located in the beautiful city of Spain. You can also get more specific by writing the name of the city and many more details about your house.
The more specific you will be, the easier it will be for Universe to deliver you the exact what you want.
Use Feelings and Emotions: The key to getting what you want is, use your feelings and emotions. Feel the wish has already been fulfilled as you write. Feel as if what you have written in the journal is already received by you.
For example, if you want to have that beautiful house, then how would you feel if the house is already received by you? How would you feel living in your dream house, in the dream location, and with your dream partner? Feel that emotion now.
Remember, your feeling is the energy you are sending out to the Universe, and the Universe will return you based on that energy. If you send feel-good energy, you will get it back. If you send feel bad energy you will also get it back.
That’s why I always tell you to be happy while you are scripting or script only when you are in a happy mood.
Focus on what you want: Focus on what you want rather than what you do not want. In this attraction-based universe whatever you focus on you will attract more of that whether you want it or not. So, only focus on what you want.
If you focus on what you don’t want or what you don’t have, you will send out a wrong message (or a message of lack) to the Universe. As a result, you will attract more lack in your life.
That’s why I recommended you to think of Gratitude before starting your scripting. Because thinking of gratitude will lead you to feel Gratitude. And feeling gratitude for the things you already have will bring more gratitude into your life.
What to do after scripting?
You don’t need to be attached to it after scripting. Once you write it down on the paper, you are done. Now let it go. Your message is received by the Universe. Now let the Universe do the work for you.
Or another thing you can do is rewrite or read it often. But in this busy lifestyle, you may not get time to rewrite them. So you can read it. You can read it on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis whatever you choose. But make sure that you are in a happy mood while you are reading.
Don’t worry about ‘HOW’. You don’t need to know how it’s gonna be manifest.
All you need to do is trust the Universe and do your work. The universe got the order from you and now this is the time to do the delivery process for you.
The universe will show you the path, arrange the circumstances for you, send you the people, and show you the ways or whatever it requires to achieve that goal. The universe will bring you all together to get you that goal.
The universe knows how to deliver it to you, so you don’t need to worry about the ‘how’; you just need to get ready to receive it.
How scripting help you to manifest your dream?
Our subconscious minds are already programmed by old and limiting beliefs got from the parents, neighbors, society, and our surroundings. And whatever we believe in our subconscious mind becomes our reality.
Scripting helps you to re-program your subconscious mind with the new belief. It reprograms your mind by focusing on what it isyou really want in your life and how will you feel when these things arrive in your life.
“Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.”
-Earl Nightingale
You see we all have got the same power, same mind. But how we drive our mind, what direction we give to our mind matters the most. And scripting gives us that direction.
Scripting technique is the most powerful law of Attraction Technique to manifest the life you dreamed about. This is the technique that will change your life. Scripting is basically writing your future story the way as if it is happening right now.
Some people may struggle to mentally visualize. Scripting is beneficial for them as it allows them to communicate their visualization in word form.
Scripting not only helps you to manifest your goals but also helps you to manage your thoughts, gives your mind a direction, brings more clarity about what you want in life. Overall it allows you to explore your dreams and desires.
Scripting allows you to access your thoughts, emotions, and feelings that are fundamental for a successful manifestation.
I hope you understand all about the scripting manifestation technique. So are you ready to start your scripting today? I will be glad if you share your thoughts and experience with us in the comment box below. I wish you a great day! 🙂
Every, body cell requires oxygen to survive. To reach oxygen to every cell, deep breathing is the only way.
No one taught us how to breathe, because it’s automatic. Every child till the age of 4 to 5 breathes properly. But as we age, our breathing pattern gets changed; we shift from the right way of breathing to the wrong way of breathing.
So how will you know if you are breathing right or wrong? Let’s get started to know that.
In this article, you will get to know how breathing affects you both –physically and mentally, you will know the benefits of breathing and you will also learn the most important thing – the proper way of breathing.
There are two types of breathing – Belly breathing and Chest breathing (we can also say them the right way of breathing and wrong way of breathing. Whether your breathing pattern is right or wrong, we can identify through these 2 types of breathing- either you are a chest breather or a belly breather.
Let’s do a simple test to identify what kind of breathing pattern you have.
Wrong-way of breathing:
To do the test, put one hand on your chest. Take a deep breath in.
What do you notice? Is your chest rising? Are your shoulder and chest moving?
If it is so then you are a chest breather, and this is the wrong way of breathing.
The right way of breathing:
Now this time put your hand on your belly. Take a deep breath in; let your abdomen expand fully. Feel your belly rises, but your chest and shoulder will not move as shown in the picture below.
Now exhale and feel your belly flatten.
This breathing pattern is also called belly breathing. In this breathing method, your abdomen is used and this is the right way of breathing.
Could you see the difference?
1. In the first experiment, you took the breath from your chest. It is called Chest breathing or shallow breathing. In this activity, chest muscles are used.
2. In the second experiment, you took breath from the belly or abdomen, or stomach. It is called belly breathing or deep breathing. Your diaphragm muscles are used for this belly breathing.
Why belly breathing is the right way of breathing?
Why we all should breathe from our belly and how breath affects us both physically and mentally? So let’s start by understanding a little bit about the diaphragm.
The diaphragm is a little dome-shaped muscle within the abdominal area that is what actually goes up and down as we breathe. We take a deep breath in, the diaphragm goes down. When we exhale or blow it out diaphragm comes up.
The diaphragm works like a pumping machine. As you inhale, the diaphragm contract, it moves down, and then as you exhale, the diaphragm is going to get relax and come back up so you have this nice pumping action happening in the diaphragm.
So as this pumping action is happening it’s massaging, and it’s turning or rolling all of the vital organs, sending blood, sending nutrients. It helps these organs work optimally and it aids in digestion and elimination.
But after the age of 4- 5, we adopt the wrong pattern of breathing. We actually lessen the signal from the brain to the diaphragm as we get older by not allowing the diaphragm to work at its maximum efficiency. The elasticity of that area become lessens as well.
A lot of us breathe from the chest. It’s quick, it’s shallow, & it’s soppy. So you are not getting this rolling and turning action happening in your organs. So that can lead to constipation, it can lead to your organs not working properly.
Have you ever watched the baby breathe? They breathe so gentle, so easy. They breathe from their stomach instead of their chest like we do as adults. Watch their rib cage expands naturally and gently without overwork. A baby, who knows nothing about life but knows everything on how to live their life.
So, these are the reason we all need to breathe properly. And proper way of breathing is the most important thing you can do to get the maximum amount of oxygen into the lungs. So that all the cells, tissues, and organs can receive that oxygen so they can stay healthy and strong.
Benefits of Belly Breathing (or deep breathing):-
1. Oxygen reaches to each cell in the body.
2. Improves the quality of blood circulation.
3. Lower your stress level.
4. Reduce your blood pressure.
5. Improves metabolism.
6. Improves digestion. (Problems like gas, bloating, acidity are reduced through deep breathing).
7. Increases the body’s alkaline level. (Excessive junk food causes acidity. This leads to an increased acidic pH level in the body, which may cause the possibility of growth in toxic cells).
8. Deep breathing reduces over-eating.
9. It cleanses your body.
10. Brings a glow to the face.
11. Relief from pimples and acne.
12. Entire body skin glows.
13. Releases Endorphin. (When we are happy
and joyful, our body releases endorphin also called as “Happy-Hormone”. The level of this natural mood booster ‘endorphin’ also tends to increase when we perform deep breathing. In turn, it makes you feel happier and healthier).
14. Energizes your body.
15. Relaxes your mind and body, experience calmer and healthier.
16. Improves decision making. It will reset your emotions to get that serenity feeling. You will experience improved decision-making performance.
17. Improve sleeping quality. (It helps to get deep sleep. Use diaphragmatic breathing just before bed to get relax and deep sleep).
18. Deep breathing or belly breathing is one of the true secrets to energy and longevity.
There are uncountable benefits of deep breathing. Because of less oxygen intake, feeling sadness, or having mood swings can often be part of normal life especially in the current pandemic situation. To control this sadness or reduce stress levels, you can practice deep breathing. So, let’s begin learning deep breathing or belly breathing technique.
Belly breathing technique:
1. You can sit or lie flat in a comfortable position
2. Put one hand on your belly just below your ribs and another hand on your chest as shown in the picture.
3. Now, take a deep breath in through your nose and let your abdomen push your hand out. Your chest should not move.
4. Slowly breathe out through the mouth. While breathing out Feel the hand on your belly go in, and use it to push all the air out.
5. Do this breathing 3 to 10 times. Take your time with each breath.
6. Notice how you feel at the end of this exercise.
To have a healthy life, start practicing this diaphragmatic breathing from today. Because, with healthy lungs, your diaphragm does most of the work when you inhale to bring fresh air in and exhale to get carbon dioxide and other gases out of your lungs as well as your body.
Final Thought:
Oxygen is life and the more oxygen we get into our body the more life we can live.
Proper breathing elevate your mood, increases your stamina, your mental clarity as well as detoxifying your own internal system.
When you are breathing improperly, the muscles of your chest, as well as the muscles around the rib cage are working more than they should.
Proper breathing comes from the internal gut, from our internal stomach, from our diaphragm. When we breathe in, our stomach our internal gut should be the only thing working.
Breathing in allows the oxygen to come in and when we exhale which is very important because we are releasing carbon dioxide as well as other gases & toxins.
If you are breathing shallow with your chest, you are going to only be using the top half of your lungs. So you will be deprived of the benefits of getting more oxygen into your body, and detoxification of your body from toxins.
But when you are using the internal diaphragm and your stomach, you will get all these benefits, you will get much more oxygen, much more health, and much more life.
Think about how many times you get distracted during 2 hours of the time.
Because we are living in a world that has a lot of distractions with technology and it causes us lack of focus.
Distraction is always a waste of time. Those who always get distracted cannot realize their true potential.
To protect yourself from distraction and to increase your productivity 10X higher, I am going to share with you a very interesting and simple technique which is called the Pomodoro Technique.
History of the Pomodoro Technique
The Pomodoro technique was invented by an Italian author Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. Pomodoro is an Italian word for ‘tomato’. He named the Pomodoro method after the tomato-shaped kitchen timer that he used actually to track his work as a University student. Since then this technique gains much popularity in various productivity and self-improvement circles.
What is the Pomodoro Technique
Pomodoro technique is a time management method that helps you to take the right number of breaks while still getting your work done. Using this method, you can break your workday into a 25-minute time block that is separated by 5-minute breaks.
These intervals are referred to as Pomodoro. After about four Pomodoro, you take a longer break of about 20 to 30 minutes.
The idea behind this technique is – the timer produces a sense of urgency rather than feeling like you have endless time during the day to get things done. Now you know that you only have 25 minutes to make as much progress on a task as possible.
Who can use it?
Anyone can use it. Whether you are a student, boss, employee, or housewife, you can use this technique.
The Device You will have Required to Use this Technique
The only thing you need is a timer. You can get an old fashioned timer or you can use your computer or mobile app. I am using an android Pomodoro app which is very simple and easy to use, and most importantly it’s completely free and there is no ad. If you want to check out this app then you can click on this link, it will redirect you to Google Play Store. You can download and install the Pomodoro app.
How to Use the Pomodoro Technique?
To apply the technique in your work or study, follow these below steps:
Step -1: Choose a task or a series of tasks that you need to accomplish.
Step -2: Set the timer for 25 minutes.
Step -3: Work on the task until the timer rings, and (Avoid constantly checking the time remaining on the timer).
Step -4: Once the timer rings, you take a 5 minutes break.
Get up from the study area or work area. Do not take the break at the same spot that you are working. I like getting up, walking, starching my body, or moving around. I also like to do some deep breathing exercises during this break. I drink some water. This is also the time for using the bathroom.
By doing those above-mentioned activities during the break period help me to get energized and also prepare me to get ready for the next Pomodoro.
Step -5: After 5 minutes break, repeat the process.
(Take a new task or another series of the previous task. Set the time for 25 minutes. Work on that until the timer goes off).
25 minutes’ work + 5 minutes break is called one Pomodoro.
After completing 4 Pomodoro cycles take a longer break of 20 to 30 minutes.
Avoid Distraction
During this Pomodoro cycle, do your best to limit distraction. The whole point is 25 minutes of complete focus. Don’t be checking Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any other app at that time. Switch off all notifications or turn off your internet.
During the session, I will suggest you keep a paper and pen with you. So that if you are having any kind of distracting thoughts in your mind, at that time you can just write it down on the paper.
After completing one entire Pomodoro (which is included with 4 Pomodoro cycle), now you can check your paper or journal whether those thoughts were important or not. You will find out that most of those thoughts were unnecessary and only just disturbing you. I am suggesting you do that because; by writing them on a paper you will become more aware of your thoughts.
Why you should use the Pomodoro Technique?
It’s easy and free. You don’t need to learn any difficult time management techniques neither buy any expensive Gadgets.
One Pomodoro is only for 25 minutes. The time is so less that it is hard to feel bored or get distracted.
It is very manageable and discipline.
It increases focus and productivity.
It helps you to build a healthy work habit.
Because of the break, you get energy and with full energy, you can complete your task easily and effectively.
It gives maximum output using less time.
Final Thought
I hope now you have got to know how to increase productivity 10X higher. I also hope you enjoy this technique and implemented it so that you can get a higher level of productivity and just rewire your brain to increase focus.
If you have any questions and you need any help, visit our contact page just fill up your details, type your questions and send it over and I will get back to you. Have a great day 🙂
Many meditation experts say that for stress relief meditation, inhale happiness, and exhale out stress. But I feel this process doesn’t work. And the reason is explained below. At the end of this post, I have shared an effective process to relieve stress that I use personally.
Why expert’s process doesn’t work for me?
We all know that where attention goes energy flows! What we focus on grows!
We can’t stop stress by thinking about it, even by using the word of stress. It is violating the Law of Attraction. As LOA says, “what we think or say we create, what we feel we attract and what we imagine we become”. If it is so, then how can we get relief from stress by thinking or using the word of stress?
At the time of stress relief meditation if I think like I am releasing stress from my mind and body while exhaling, then my focus goes to stress, but not on the releasing. My mind starts to think about stress, creates the images of it, and as a result, I start to feel stress even more. Ultimately, this process doesn’t work for me.
How does our mind work?
I am giving you an example to make you understand easily how our mind works—— I want you to close your eyes and think about a white cat, see the image of a white cat in your mind’s eye.
What do you see? Can you see the image of a white cat in your mind’s eye? Of course, you do!
Now I ask you to close your eyes again, and this time do not think of a white cat. Remember! You are not thinking about a white cat.
Could you do this again? Pretty hard, isn’t it?
This time you tried not to think of a white cat but your subconscious mind pictures you the white cat— this is how our subconscious mind works. If you give it a word it will show you the image of that word. It
couldn’t differentiate between Do or Don’t. It only works according to your focus.
If you focus on the bad thing – bad thing increases. If you focus on good – good increases. And this is the reason I don’t apply the process of experts to relieve stress by exhaling (or using the word) stress.
Here is My Effective Way to Relieve Stress
Instead, I will suggest you inhale love and exhale peace (while inhaling, think like love is entering into your body, and while exhaling, you are giving your peace out to the whole world or whole Universe).
What we give out, we get back, and this is the universal law. If you can think of giving peace while you are exhaling, you will get peace in return.
It works miraculous way because you are now thinking about peace only; your focus redirects you to peace. Peace is expanding now.
It is not necessary to apply love and peace only. You can choose your own words. But be careful, use only positive and effective words (or the opposite of what you don’t want).
Some meditation experts advise us to think like you are releasing the stress out of your body while exhaling. But I don’t feel this is the right way to reduce stress.
As the law of attraction says that think about what you want. Don’t speak, watch, feel, and think about what you don’t want. If you are thinking stress is going out, it means your focus shifts to stress. So, this will bring you even more stress instead of releasing it.
To do a stress relief meditation, I will suggest you to simply ‘inhale love’ and ‘exhale peace’. And it works effectively. Because, you are now thinking, saying, watching, breathing peace only.
This is necessary to use opposite words of stress while doing stress relief meditation. You can use words like happiness, love, peace, joy, bliss, etc.
Give it a try and share your thoughts in the comment box; I would love to hear from you. Thank you for visiting