This is what you need to know before trying to impress someone.
When you try to impress someone, you are not being your authentic self. You are just showing a temporary behaviour that is not really yours.
You are trying hard to impress the person. But there is no guarantee that the person will be impressed by you. Even if he/she gets impressed, that impression will be temporary.
Why so?
Because when you try to impress, you are not being your authentic self. Trying to impress means, you are acting and behaving differently just to impress the person. You don’t usually act and behave like this.
Even if you act and behave like something that you are not, you will be unable to maintain that behaviour for long. When you are unable to maintain the behaviour, the impression you made before will fade.
But if you stop trying to impress others and start being your authentic self, then the people who are meant for you will automatically get impressed by you. That impression will be permanent because, at this time, you are just expressing your true natural behavior. You didn’t need to do any hard work here. Things just happen effortlessly.
Note: You don’t have to try hard to impress someone. You just be your authentic self! That’s enough!